Plantar Fasciitis is a strain to a ligament under the foot, known as the plantar fascia Ligament. It is one of the ligaments that connects the heel of the foot (the calcaneum) to the toes. The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital points out that it acts as a balance to different parts in the foot. This means the plantar fascia ligament takes a lot of strain.

Pushing off on the ball of the foot and toes, as well as bearing weight on the foot, can cause the stress to the plantar fascia ligament that can lead to plantar fasciitis, states Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Common causes of plantar fasciitis include:
Increased activity, the way your foot is made, the surface under your feet, your footwear type, and your weight.
As Johns Hopkins Medicine goes onto mention, other causes can include: compressed nerves in the foot or back, a stress fracture in the calcaneus, and break down of fatty tissues protecting the heel underside.
The condition of plantar fasciitis can, according to Healthline, develop over time, and can be both a dull ache or sharp pain. The pain is usually worse in the morning, and after lying or sitting, because the ligament is tighter. It can also feel painful - like a burning feeling - after exercise, due to inflammation.
Treatments for plantar fasciitis include what you can do at home yourself: rest, applying ice, using special supports, or braces, and anti-inflammatory meds. Your GP may prescribe you corticosteroid or ultrasound treatment.
Nutritional supplements, such as lavender and eucalyptus, are also said to play a part.
In certain cases, surgery may be required.
As Healthline also emphasises, plantar fasciitis is not to be confused with heel spurs - small 'spikes' of bone on the calcaneum, that causes pain and irritation.
If you are not sure what is causing you pain in the heel, ball, or underside of your foot, speak to your healthcare professional to find out if you have plantar fasciitis or another medical condition.