FOR PRICES, please see details in the bottom section of the page*
Toenails need taking care of regularly: if you are unable to cut your own toenails, ask for help and get them trimmed professionally to avoid problems with hygiene and such things as thick nails.
Nail Trimming

Hard skin/Cracked heels

Hard skin, especially on the heels, can become very painful, cracking and bleeding if left untreated. Treatments include removing the hard or callused skin in order to expose the fresh, healthy skin underneath, and moisturising the area.

Ingrowing Toenails
Ingrowing toenails are caused by pressure to the nail causing it to dig into the sulcus, or soft tissue at the sides of the nail. It can be caused by tight footwear, incorrect nail cutting, stubbing the toes, and other factors affecting the way you walk.
Treatment includes the removal of nail 'spikes' that press into the skin.

Corn Removal

Corns are small cone-shaped areas of hard skin caused by repeated pressure and friction to the skin, and can be very painful, especially when walking and running. The corn is removed, rather than softened of filed, which causes immediate relief from pain and discomfort.

Verrucas are warts on the sole of the foot caused by a viral infection called Human Papilloma Virus 2 (HPV2). They are also contagious. A verruca can heal by itself. However, if it causes pain and is persistent, there are treatments available for managing and eliminating the verruca.

Fungal Nail Infections

Fungal nails are infectious and need to be treated. This kind of infection can cause discolouration to the nail and lead to thickening, as well as crumbling edges. If left untreated, a fungal nail infection will be become increasingly more difficult to treat. Please ask for advice and help if you are concerned about fungal nail infection.

Athlete's Foot

Athlete's Foot is a contageous fungal infection caused by breaks in the skin. The area infected becomes inflamed and the skin begins to flake away.
Please ask for advice about the treatment of Athlete's Foot

Please note: We do not provide a pedicure service: we aim to provide as detailed and finished a service in our treatments as possible. However, our business is not aimed at aesthetic finishes and high-presentation detail; our work is functional and intended to tackle issues in the lower limb.
Home Visits
Initial Consultation(This includes the first treatment session)£45.00
Routine Nail Trimming: £32.00 (trim & file nails, apply cream.)Please note, this service is not for thickened or fungal nails.
Foot Care Treatment: £40.00 per standard treatment* within 1 hour (we add £7.50 to the price for every additional 15 minutes per session. *Foot care treatments can include any single or combination of services beyond basic nail trimming - see above for all our treatments).
Every effort will be made to provide the best treatment in the most efficient time without compromising on standards of work.
Prices all fully inclusive.
Payments are normally made during appointment. We accept card payments as well as cash.
If you need to make a payment outside of appointment times, this can be done by direct bank transfer.
Bank Details:
Foot Revive
Account Number - 32058863
Sort Code - 30-99-50
Late Cancellations Policy
We know that last-minute cancellations are not always avoidable.
If you do need to cancel or rearrange your appointment, please try to give us as much advance notice as possible.
Appointments that are consistently missed or cancelled within less than 24 hours notice may lead to deregistration.
Safety During Appointments
When visiting your premises, we ask that the area is kept safe for the purposes of our foot care appointments.
This includes sufficient space to work in, sufficient lighting, and an area free of potential slip or trip hazards. We reserve the right to refuse entry to premises if we believe they are a potential detriment to our personal safety or wellbeing.
We may also refuse entry to a premises that we deem excessively unclean enough to present a health hazard.
Client behaviour: We will try our best to be friendly and professional towards our clients. We ask that clients please treat us with the same level of respect. If we feel that a client's behaviour is either inappropriate, anti-social, or aggressive, we reserve the right to leave the premises.
Foot Revive operate as Registered Foot Health Practitioners; we are not Podiatrists or Chiropodists, and do not ever claim to be such. All work undertaken by us will be done so in the capacity of our professional qualification, and we will not accept any responsibility for any misunderstanding that we are podiatrists or chiropodists.
Advice & Recommendations
We may make recommendations regarding your foot health. We also strongly advise all our clients to do additional research, if possible, before making any decisions based on our advice. This allows each person to make the best-informed decisions about their foot health care.

Registration Numbers: s247773 / a318412